PS2 version reviewed.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Into the Inferno is an action advenutre game published and developed by THQ for the Playstation 2, Wii and Nintendo DS.
Almost just the same type of enemy throughout the game and if you try to avoid combat then invisible walls will prevent you from leaving, which is an obvious design feature for terrible games that need to pad out timing because the game is so woeful and probably short. Every single fight is like this and numerous enemies keep spawning in, so you just spam one button and wait until the wall disperses. This long and painfully boring experiencing is only furthered by enemies falling over and you having to wait for them to get back up. Enemies also keep spawning in after others are wiped out, which is repetitive
Unlike the previous game enemies can't fall off edges and you can't block. So instead you have to awkwardly jump to someone who isn't blocking, beating them is inevitable though, so it only pads out more time.
This game, like the last two, suffers from the issue of why wouldn't you play as Aang. He can use all the elements, so you won't need to waste time switching and has no obvious downfall like the other characters. There's also no AI partners in this game because it seems no one cared about it anymore so they couldn't be bothered to do it.
Sometimes bending abilities wouldn't really work properly, such as pillars and platforms rising in the wrong place, meaning you miss an enemy or have to wait for platforms you've put down to disappear so you can get past, not to mention how terrible the hit boxes are on some of these things, getting caught on invisible edges is common for example. Similar things can happen with water, where it fails to transfer between containers correctly meaning some sections, such as timed ones, are way too drawn out as you keep emptying a container rather than filling it up because the two sources are too close together to be correctly done easily.
The most astounding part about this game is how it managed to be worse than the first two, which weren't very good anyway.
Like a really terrible, watered down version of the TV show, really though, if you don't know the TV show you'll be confused as to what's going in - in fact even if you know the TV show you still won't know what's going on because nothing really makes any sense.
I guess it looks alright for a PS2/Wii game, it's interesting to note the lack of PS3 or Xbox 360 release though, perhaps because they knew this kind of terrible game wouldn't be welcomed by more powerful consoles.
Music starts and stops when it likes.
Not worth your time at all.
This game is a waste of time and should be avoided by anyone, including fans of the show. Quite frankly this is amongst the worst games I've ever played, it's not even on the so bad it's good scale. It ends a very lacking, but sadly expectedly poor trilogy of games based on the Avatar series, which is such a shame as this licence has so much potential.