Ratings are done in a traffic light fashion.

Sorted into three different ranks.

A green "worth playing" rank means the game is worth playing, pretty much regardless of price. If you're looking for a new game to pick up a game with this rating, or one with a star, should be a good, safe and enjoyable option.

A star next to the top rank means the game is one of my personal favourites. That doesn't necessarily mean a game with a star is better on a technical level than one without but just that I really enjoyed it and consider it one of the most fun games I've played or it has stuck with me more so than others, reasons vary.

An orange "maybe" rank means the game might be worth picking up if you're into the genre, style or want to wait for a sale. Usually the game in question might have some considerable flaws, just isn't that great or simply might not be for some people.

A red "avoid it" rank means the game isn't worth playing regardless of if you're into the style, genre or franchise. It's probably either just a poorly made game, has plenty of technical issues or both.

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