All style, no substance.
PS3 version reviewed.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a first person shooter published by Activision and developed by Infinity Ward in collaboration with Sledgehammer Games for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii & PC.
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The same as MW2, ignoring any innovations BO made, a case in point being diving into prone, which you could do in BO, is no longer an option. You would think Infinity Ward could at least implement some minor upgrades from Treyarch's instalments, instead it seems they want to ignore that another developer is at least trying new things with the franchise.
Another such example is the playable character, one of the great parts about BO was that the protagonist actually had a voice, while here you've been reverted back to random goon with no voice what so ever. The main character you'll play as is Yuri, who won't talk at all, but the moment you play as someone else and he's around he will talk. Why do that? What does that achieve? There are so many moments where your character could have said something and they don't, it's infuriating.
There is a tacked on survival mode that seems to have been created in the hope or replicating Treyarch's zombies, however this mode is just a generic horde mode. You get better guns, the rounds keep going and more enemies spawn. There is no story or anything to try and make the experience more memorable.
The AI teammates are pretty useless and only really seem to be there to trigger events, I'm not sure they even really help you take enemies down either, more so just watch and shout things at you. I can't even really remember any of the characters who were introduced, not that any of them really mattered anyway.
The multiplayer maps are bland, boring and uninspired, none of them are memorable and they grow stale pretty quickly. They're really disappointing in comparison to some other games in the series too, such as MW1, which had great maps by the dozen, all with different ways to come out on top. With MW3 most the maps can pretty much approached the same way with the same load outs. Where's the fun in always using the same gun, rather than having to switch from an assault rifle to a shotgun because of the advantages you will gain on the map.
A lot of the game seems to be a copy and paste from MW2, killstreaks are mostly the same, many guns feel the same, even some maps seem to carry a resemblance.
If you've seen the trailers and seen the car chases or submarine rides, thinking they look like cool additions to the game, then you'll be disappointed to learn that all those things are pretty much just part of scripted sequences or tired turret sections. Even the most destructive moments of the game all happen as you simply watch on. I'd go as far to say that this game feels like a Hollywood action blockbuster that has little heart and only wants to show you explosions. You would have thought the game would at least let you have some leverage in that regard.
The only real story going on in the game involves Price and Soap going after Makarov, the rest of the characters are just shooting things really. There isn't really much to say about it, you just go from A to B trying to track him down. There is the whole back drop of World War 3 too, but you'll never really learn much about that, because something of that scale certainly deserves little attention. The most you'll really get about the whole World War 3 thing is that Russia has invaded much of Western Europe and the USA, so get moving soldier. What I'm saying is that all the other levels outside the Price and Soap ones are pretty pointless.

The previous Modern Warfare instalments are infamous for certain events that take place during the story and stirred up controversy, MW1's nuclear weapon and MW2 "No Russian" level certainly put the series in the limelight, however what you thought of either doesn't matter, the fact is that they did add to the story in both games. MW3 again tries to catch those controversial headlines with a gas attack happening in France. The problem with this is that it doesn't add to the story at all, it's an obvious attempt at grabbing headlines.
Looks pretty much the same as MW1, it might even look worse than BO. Considering how much the franchise brings in a year, you would think that the graphics could be improved.
Brian Tyler's soundtrack does its job, although I'm not sure you'll remember any of the themes for long to come. Voice acting and SFX all seem fine and in order.
The only thing that has advanced from Modern Warfare 2 is the story, everything else is pretty much the same as the previous instalments in the series, if perhaps even worse. If you're up for more Modern Warfare then this game will probably do, however if you feel like you're growing tired of the franchises repetition and seemingly backwards steps, then this won't be worth the money.
Modern Warfare 3 loves to show you spectacles, but rarely really lets you take part in them, and I think that sums the game up quite well. It has a lot of flash, but doesn't really expand upon that. There is no innovation over either of its predecessors and it even takes numerous steps back from Black Ops. Unless you're a big fan of the series and aren't getting tired of the same old formula you should ignore this one.