Tuesday 11 November 2003


How to make a sequel.

PS2 exclusive.

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando is a platformer published by Sony and developed by Insomniac Games for the Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and Vita.

So many improvements over the first game such as quick select pausing when you select a weapon, strafing around enemies, improved auto aim and more.

General game design, with Ratchet improved in his movement and appearance with armour upgrades. While Clank's levels have been expanded upon.

Weapon upgrades

The hoverbike races are much better than the hoverboard races from the last game.

Space combat maybe a bit worse than the last game?

Checkpoints have improved over the previous game, although there are still a few dodgy ones

One boss fight was pretty much a really long turret section, and the boss didn't really change tactics or develop over the fight, aside from using one new move half way through that in the end had the same effect as most of his other moves. It's a bit of a shame because Insomniac are usually very good at boss fights.

Ratchet was much more likeable in this game than the previous one.

While it looks similar to the last one I found some levels to look more appetising than the previous game where some levels looked a bit dull.

More noticeable and engaging than the previous game

The voice acting was pretty much the same as the previous game, although Ratchet has a new voice actor who I prefer to the old one.


Insomniac took many of the complaints people had with the first game and really stepped it up with this sequel. I feel this game is superior in almost every way from its predecessor and I'd recommend you give this one a go, even if you didn't enjoy the last one.

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